This is just a collection of assorted icons I've drawn recently. Some are good, some are only fair, but hell, it beat doing homework. The icons are divided into folders with names that should be self-explanatory as to what class the icons fall into. Most of them are done in the System 8/Copland 3-D style, and look great with the Copland extension (available virtually everywhere, and well worth the shareware price), if I do say so myself. I don't claim that the ideas for some of the icons are original, and you'll probably be able to tell which ones have been inspired by non-Copland styled icons in other collections. If you drew one of the icons that I've made Coplandesque in this collection, I thank you for the idea/inspiration, and apologize for not remembering where they all came from. Just remember, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. ;-).
The 'bookshelf icons' folder contains five folders that can be stacked together to make it look like a bookshelf (hence the name). I've seen this idea used in other people's icon collections, but all of them looked rather like encyclopedias, with all the books the same. Mine is unique (at least as far as I've seen) in that the five books are different, giving a 'great books' styling to the collection.
This collection is e-mail-ware/improve-it-ware. I.e., if you use these, just send me e-mail to let me know that someone likes them. And if you modify them and make them look better/different (e.g. improving some of the small icons), I'd appreciate a copy.
This collection can be placed on any CD-rom, collection, or bbs/website/ftp site, but if it is distributed in a hard-copy form, I'd apreciate a copy.